Thirtieth [30th] International Conference on

Processing of Advanced Materials and Fabrication of Products [PAMFP]

11-13 December 2024 | IIT Hyderabad

Theme: Smart NextGen PAMFP: Sustainable Materials and Green Manufacturing

Poster Awards
Conference Programme
Conference Picture Gallery

Chief Guest

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jha

CMD Mishra Dhatu Nigam (MIDHANI) Hyderabad India

Plenary Speaker(s)

Prof. B. S. Murty

Director, IIT Hyderabad

Dr. Anil K. Sachdev (Retired)

Principal Technical Fellow & Lab Group Manager General Motors Company R&D USA

Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh

Rice University, USA

Keynote Speaker(s)

Prof. Andre Katterfeld

Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

Prof. B. Vaidhyanathan

Loughborough University, UK

Prof. Eric MacDonald

The Univ. of Texas USA, Editor-in-Chief, Elsevier Publishing

Prof. Gandham Phanikumar

IIT Madras, India

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thorsten Halle

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany

Prof. Raman Singh

Monash University, Australia

Prof. Satish V. Kailas

IISc Bangalore, India

Prof. Satyam Suwas

IISc Bangalore, India

Prof. Surya Kalidindi

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. Vikas Kumar

Former DMRL Director and Chairman ARDB DRDO, India

Invited Speaker(s)

Prof. Anbukkarasi Rajendran

IIT Dharwad, India

Mr. Sushil Mane

Technical Director Altair

More Eminent Speakers are being added..

Abstract Submission  


Conference Brochure 

Welcome Message

Dear “Valued” Colleague,

On behalf of the organizing committee, the International Association for Processing of Materials and Fabrication of Products (IA-PMFP), in collaboration with IIT Hyderabad, India, we extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to participate in the 30th International Conference on Processing of Advanced Materials and Fabrication of Products (PAMFP).

This event marks the 30th in a prestigious series, with the most recent conference held in India. At IIT Hyderabad, we are committed to ensuring an excellent experience that spans the domain of education, enabling and ensuring enlightenment and excellence for all participants and attendees.

We are expecting to host more than 300 participants. In addition to plenary talks, this scholarly technical conference event will have a healthy combination of the following: (i) technical sessions, (ii) poster sessions, (iii) panel discussions, (iv) industry-academia interaction, (v) awards ceremony, and (vi) cultural programs.

In keeping with the tradition of previous conferences, there will be ample time for each technical presentation and the discussions that follow.

We have also planned a tour of nearby places of interest and inspiration, providing opportunities for continued discussions with the aim of initiating, nurturing, and promoting collaborations within the professional community, while also facilitating socialization.

The beginning of December is a particularly pleasant time in Hyderabad, with comfortable temperatures. Against the backdrop of beautiful weather, we eagerly look forward to your physical presence and enthusiastic participation in this significant scholarly event.


Prof. T. S. Srivatsan
(President, IA-PMFP)

Prof. B. S. Murty
(Director, IIT Hyderabad)


29 Series Completed
300 Delegates Expected
9 Sessions
12 + Countries
12 + Exhibitors
3 Student Awards


Bound Volume [Book]: : Papers (about 10-20 pages in length) and submitted on time will be considered favorably for inclusion in the bound volume following a thorough peer review of each submitted manuscript.

The collection of papers will be published and released as hard bound volume of the scholarly technical event and will have an ISBN number and given to the attending participants at the scholarly technical event.

Journal publication: Selected quality papers will be recommended to the SCI and Scopus Index Journal. The paper will go through the review process of the journal, but they will be acknowledged as papers presented at PAMFP- 2024. The journals are the following:

An International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Materials Today Proceedings
MRS Bulletin of Materials Science
IEI-Springer Journals
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor & Francis
Sādhanā, Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals

PFAM 2023 Video, IIT Tirupati

Important Deadlines

Submission of Abstract 15 September'24(Extended)
Abstract Acceptance Intimation Ongoing
Early Bird Registration 25 September’24 (Extended)
(Must for Presenters)
Full paper Submission 10 November'24 (Extended)
Regular Registration15 October’24

The “Theme” of this Scholarly Technical Event

  1. Design and Manufacturing of Sustainable Materials, Process and Products
    • Manufacturing of advanced materials for information technology (Semiconductors, Electronics, Energy)
    • Innovations in materials and processing for aerospace, automotive, and defense applications
    • Materials Informatics: accelerated design for processing of materials & products, process optimization, database modelling applications of AI/ML in processing of materials
    • Smart Manufacturing: metal additive manufacturing, process monitoring and control

  2. Sustainable Metallurgy and Energy-Efficient Materials for Transition & Decarbonization in Metal Manufacturing Sectors    

Industry Specific Focus

Appealing Attributes

Who should attend?

We warmly welcome experts, scholars, and numerous others involved and imbanded in both the scientific and technological aspects, specific to the domains of processing of materials and fabrication of products, to participate in this international scholarly technical event that strives to emphasize and cover salient aspects relevant to the field of Advanced Materials and Innovative Manufacturing Technologies.


Technical Exhibitors

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (29th PFAM) September 6–8, 2023

Valued Partners (Past)

Valued Sponsors (2023)

Publishing Partner (2023)

Organized by (2023)